The Value of Working with an Agent
On average, FSBO (For Sale By Owner) homes take 19 days longer to sell than homes listed with an agent.
The typical FSBO home sold for, on average, 40% less than agent-assisted home sales.
36% of sellers attempted a FSBO sale before turning to an agent.
92% of homes in the US are sold using an agent or a broker.
90% of buyers would use their agent again or recommend their agent to others.
Services We Provide
To ensure a smooth transaction, a team of support staff will work with us, offering a range of services that include presenting and negotiating offers, reviewing contracts, opening an escrow account, verifying the buyer's deposit, and submission of loan application. They will also review the preliminary title report, schedule appraisals, attend inspections, verify removal of contingencies, complete all necessary documents, provide escrow instructions, and confirm property insurance. Additionally, the team will schedule the signing of documents, arrange for key transfer, confirm closing recordation, and arrange for the delivery of proceeds. These services will make the transaction process as seamless as possible.
We begin the journey by matching your personal objectives and priorities with the process of marketing and selling your home. The first three steps toward selling your home are clarifying and prioritizing your expectations, defining the story of your house and neighborhood, and agreeing on a process — how we’ll work together.
Setting clear expectations is crucial to building a strong and successful working relationship. By managing expectations, we avoid any misunderstandings, and ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout the process.
The process of selling your property has a lot of moving parts. It's important to always have open channels of communication. We are always available to answer questions and address concerns. In return, we ask for your flexibility, open and honest communication, patience, and respect. We are a team, let's work together to build your dream.
Factors to Consider
The Basics
MotivationWhy are you selling your home at this time?
Time FrameHow soon do you need to sell your home?
PriceWithin what range do you expect to sell your home?
Diving Deeper
Home Selling DecisionsWhat other factors affect your decision to sell now?
Previous Home Selling ExperienceWhat was the most important thing you learned the last time you sold your home?
Relocation AssistanceAre you interested in exploring home buying options in your new location?
The Home Selling Process
It begins with a meeting with your agent to discuss your needs, requirements, and priorities when it comes to selling your home. An agent will provide you with a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to illustrate the multiple perspectives necessary to account for when pricing a home. Once your home is made ready for the market and listed for sale, we will use our extensive tools and industry connections to ensure your home is marketed to the most appropriate audience. Each property requires a different marketing package based on the supply and demand of property. It can include staging, open houses, mailers, social media, and more.
To begin the process, we will review the listing agreement, answer questions, and start a transaction file with all the necessary disclosures and documents for buyers. Your task will be to put valuables out of sight, start packing, and prepare the home for the next stage. We will coordinate staging (if needed) and professional photography, videography, and/or an interactive 3D tour. After this step is completed, we will create all the print and digital marketing materials in preparation for going "live." Finally, we will hand off the Statement of Information and Mortgage Payoff Information to the Title Company, approve and schedule pre-inspections, and begin marketing your home to sales professionals and the general public.
Interested buyers will submit offers on your property through their own sales associate. Your agent will represent the benefits and risks of each offer. After reviewing an offer, you can accept, decline, or offer a counter on price and/or other terms. When both sides agree on the terms, the property goes under contract.
At this stage, buyers are expected to perform due diligence to satisfy inspection, appraisal, and loan contingencies. When all the documents have been reviewed and signed, the transaction is closed and your home is sold.